Origins of Mark Hofmann’s “Salamander Letter” Featured in the Netflix Series “Murder Among the Mormons.”

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This 1833 account by Willard Chase was influential in the creation of Mark Hofmann’s infamous “Salamander Letter” Featured in the 2021 Netflix Series “Murder Among the Mormons.”

“In the month of June, 1827, Joseph Smith, Senior, related to me the following story: “That some years ago a spirit had appeared to Joseph his son, in a vision, and informed him that in a certain place there was a record on plates of gold, and that he was the person that must obtain them, and this he must do in the following manner:

On the 22d of September, he must repair to the place where was deposited this manuscript, dressed in black clothes, and riding a black horse with a switch tail, and demand the book in a certain name, and after obtaining it, he must go directly away, and neither lay it down nor look behind him.

They accordingly fitted out Joseph with a suit of black clothes and borrowed a black horse. He repaired to the place of deposit and demanded the book, which was in a stone box, unsealed, and so near the top of the ground that he could see one end of it, and raising it up, took out the book of gold; but fearing someone might discover where he got it, he laid it down to place back the top stone, as he found it; and turning round, to his surprise there was no book in sight. He again opened the box, and in it saw the book, and attempted to take it out, but was hindered. He saw in the box something like a toad, which soon assumed the appearance of a man, and struck him on the side of his head. — Not being discouraged at trifles, he again stooped down and strove to take the book, when the spirit struck him again, and knocked him three or four rods, and hurt him prodigiously.

After recovering from his fright, he inquired why he could not obtain the plates; to which the spirit made reply, because you have not obeyed your orders. He then inquired when he could have them, and was answered thus: come one year from this day, and bring with you your oldest brother, and you shall have them. This spirit, he said was the spirit of the prophet who wrote this book, and who was sent to Joseph Smith, to make known these things to him.

There are several accounts which tell of events that transpired from what was known as “Mormon Hill” between Joseph Smith Jr. and a spirit treasure guardian, who later becomes known as an angel named Moroni.

The magical world view held by the Smith family and some others of their time, interestingly aligns with the founding narrative of The Book of Mormon.

In a BYU article titled “Moroni as Angel and Treasure Guardian” by Mark Ash-hurst McGee, he describes the scene of Joseph Smith’s treasure digs by saying “Gathering at the designated spot, the treasure seekers staked out magical circles around the treasure. They used Bible passages and hymns, prayers, ritual swords and other magical items... even propitiatory animal sacrifices to appease or fend off pre- ternatural guardians of the treasure. These spirit guardians could be ancient inhabitants, once living, but now charged to keep guardianship over the buried treasure.

For one reason or another, the treasure seekers would always return home empty-handed.


Emma Hale Smith Bidamon, circa 1844, age 40


The influence of Emmanuel Swedenbourg