William Bickerton: Forgotten Latter Day Prophet

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- Top left: William Bickerton 1905
-Top right: Times and Seasons printing 1844
-Bottom left: Sydney Rigdon preaching
-Bottom right: The Church of Jesus Christ's historic chapel, Monongahela, Pennsylvania

In a June 1st 1844 printing in the church’s newspaper, Times and Seasons, is an announcement for Joseph Smith’s candidacy for President of the United States, with Vice President candidate (first counselor in the church) Sydney Rigdon. Within the month, Rigdon would hear of Joseph’s death in Illinois- He was back East campaigning at the time.
When Rigdon made it back to Nauvoo, it was apparent that a succession crisis was at hand! Several different men felt they were the rightful successor to lead the church after the prophet’s death. (There was no organized plan set in place by Joseph prior to his death)
Brigham Young, with the backing of others in the quorum of 12, ended up squeezing Rigdon out of taking lead of the church. (Important to note that among those that followed Brigham Young west were others in leadership also involved in the secret practice of polygamy or “Celestial Marriage.”) Rigdon did not have the benefit or loyalty from those brethren as he was opposed to the practice.
Thousands of Saints, including Joseph’s mother Lucy Mack Smith and brother William Smith, followed James J. Strang north to Beaver Island Michigan. Sydney Rigdon and his followers went back East to Pennsylvania where Rigdon established Church of Christ of the Children of Zion. Another group organized by Lyman Wight left for Texas and others settled in different regions in the Midwest. Joseph Smith III eventually became President of the reorganization of the church (RLDS) -currently known as Community of Christ.
Despite various power struggles between Joseph Smith and Sydney Rigdon, Joseph Smith relied heavily on the expertise of Rigdon as a skilled orator to organize and grow the church. Today, Sydney Rigdon’s church in Pennsylvania has become The Church of Christ (Bickertonite)

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Alexander Campbell


Sidney Rigdon