Latter-Day Saint Origins & Influences

Latter-day Illumination Episodes contextualize the Mormon movement in the 19th century. We encourage continued learning and discovery for greater understanding and love for one another. We hope these Recorded Episodes will be valuable resources to share with family and friends.


Erin & Kristen

Historical Insights

Events in the nineteenth century played a significant role in the development of Church culture and doctrine.

Events in the nineteenth century played a significant role in the development of Church culture and doctrine.

Nineteenth Century Influential Texts


“…Scrupulous examination of the production and content of Smith’s translation projects opens new avenues for understanding the foundations of Mormonism, provides insight on aspects of early American religious culture, and helps conceptualize sacred texts.” (Producing Ancient Scripture, 2020)

In the News


Discoveries pertaining to historical Mormon origins as well as current events are found in modern-day publications including news articles, journals, and academic research.

…all have the privilege of thinking for themselves upon all matters relative to conscience…we are not disposed, had we the power, to deprive anyone from exercising that free independence of mind.
— Joseph Smith Jr. Kirtland, OH 1834