In The News

How an Egyptian Papyrus Became the Mormon Book of Abraham

Expedition Magazine, 2016; By: Paul Mitchell 

After 2,000 years of repose, 11 mummified human corpses and a few scrolls of papyrus entombed at Thebes became entangled in the interwoven threads of an Egyptian autocrat’s ambitions, the American public’s fascination with displays of the odd and exotic, and the formulation of the United States’ most prominent homegrown religion.

The Next Mormons Survey

The 2016 Next Mormons Survey is a public opinion survey of current and former members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the United States. The Next Mormons Survey is the most extensive collection of Mormon attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors collected by independent or academic researchers to date.

For Mormons in a faith crisis, the Gospel Topics essays try to answer the hard questions

Religion News, 2020; By Jana Riess

For the first time, there is a resource to help ordinary LDS members understand the Gospel Topics essays—what they say (which is often a leap forward in the church’s transparency about its history) and, just as importantly, what they don’t say (which is often a lot).


Latter-day Saint women are finding — and using — their voices. Are men in the church listening?

Religion News, May 10, 2020; By Jana Riess

In the traditional Western model, women’s exclusion is overt and consistent in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: They don’t hold positions in which key decisions are made, they’re not in charge of dispensing money, the callings they’re given are decided on and supervised by men, and so on.