Smith Family Magical Relics


Pictured are two of Joseph Smith’s seer stones, the Smith family parchments, and the family ceremonial dagger owned by Hyrum Smith.

How did the magical world view of the nineteenth century influence the Mormon movement? The Smith family and others during the early nineteenth century viewed life through what is called the magical world view. The Smith family’s world view included seer stones, treasure digging, guardian spirits over buried treasure, magical parchments, and ceremonial daggers...among other things. While in his teens and 20’s Joseph Smith Jr. developed a reputation in his community as a “seer”...or one hired to look into a seer stone to lead seekers to hidden treasure buried in the earth. This belief in occult magic was seeped into the Smith family’s world view as well as the overall culture of the day.


American Restoration Movement (1790-1840)


The Magical World View