The influence of Emmanuel Swedenbourg

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Joseph Smith and others living during The Second Great Awakening would have been familiar with and influenced by the popular theology of Emmanuel Swedenbourg. He was a Swedish scientist, theologian, & inventor of the 18th century.

In 1743-1744 he experienced a series of spiritual dreams followed by a vision of Jesus on April 7, 1744. He believed he was appointed by the Lord to reveal the spiritual meaning of the Bible. He then devoted his life to spiritual matters.

Swedenborg's theology was well known and circulated in America. In 1808 Swedenborg’s testimony of his vision was on the front page of the newspaper at Canandaugua, NY- thirteen miles from Palmyra and nine miles from Joseph Smith’s home in Manchester. (Quinn)

Swedenborg’s book “Heaven and its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen”, published in 1758 reveals a detailed description of the afterlife. He expounds on the following: “There are three heavens,” described as “entirely distinct from each other.” He called the highest heaven “The Celestial Kingdom,” and stated that the inhabitants of the three heavens corresponded to the “sun, moon, and stars.” The highest level of heaven is called the Celestial kingdom, and within the Celestial kingdom are three additional degrees of glory. Those in the lower degrees of heaven, in general, cannot see the inhabitants in the higher degrees of heaven. Swedenbourg also revealed what he called Eternal Celestial Marriage, which was necessary to attain the highest level of heaven in the celestial kingdom.

If Joseph Smith was influenced by Swedenborg’s well known theology, it lives on today in the hearts and minds of Latter-day Saints. Doctrine and Covenants section 76 was given to reveal the understanding of mortal life and the afterlife, known as the plan of Salvation.


Origins of Mark Hofmann’s “Salamander Letter” Featured in the Netflix Series “Murder Among the Mormons.”

